Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello, Hello.... Anyone out there?

So... Long time no Read. I have been errant on my blog. Many things happening here.
First, I had another seizure and that set me back some.
I have been trying to educate myself on IBS (ow, ow, ow) and fix the diet and pain!!
It is HOT here, Like 110 degrees and up, yeah!!
We have a new dog at home, A chiuiua (sp?) You know one of those Mexican dogs, blond: Mr. O'Riley. He is being fixed on Monday. I hope it will stop the marking and such. He doesn't bark and I think it may be because he was raised with a Bachingi (again with the spelling). Love him. And he gets along great with My other dog Baby.
I have been working with my OT to get my PDA up and running. They left me in charge of downloading my tasks and I have screwed up the first one and it took me all day to do that. LOL. What were they thinking?? And I am too embarrassed to call and tell them.
Oh yeah. Baby and the cat are fighting. Which causes Mr O to run and chase him.
I tried to start a garden, but in this heat it is hopeless.
I fixed me a patio in the back where we usually get a cool breeze and the umbrella shredded to bits. I guess the breeze is too brisk. But the AC vents out there and it is very hot also.
Been watching NetFlix and trying to watch the whole entire episodes of 'Lord of the Manor'. It is so funny, when the Father was trying to hide his vintage Scotch and how that barrel rolled all over the house and no one knew where it was at any given time, whew! I laughed so hard.
I joined my church. May as well bloom where the good Lord planted me. Making new friends and loving it. Volunteering and hope they love it.
I have two new pen pals that are missionaries for the Wycliffe Bible Translators. Many great stories and wonderful new friends in Christ.
We went to another wedding and had a wonderful time too. All of them running way to late for me. So we didn't get cake from either.
Still making shawls for the Prayer Shawls Ministry, that takes up the majority of my time. The other part trying to make the house cooler. (feet in ice, neck in ice, Ice the dogs, head in freezer, fan on nakedness, sleeping in the hottest part of day, etc).
See ya'll soon.

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