Thursday, August 23, 2012


Last night while I was scooting around online I found a very interesting video on youtube. It was on how you use a lucet to make cording. It is a lyre shaped wooden lucet. I did not have one so I improvised today and made a workable one from a two pronged fork (for turning bacon or meat). It took me a while to get the hang of it. After about two tries I sort of have it sort of figured out. You can use these as ties, shoe laces or weave them together to make bracelets.

I made a small cord and then I beaded it. Not bad for a first time. I tried to download a picture, but it won't cooperate.

I also watched how to use a knook and a 2 ended 2 hooked crochet hook. I love discovering new things and then trying them. I have been experiementing with altered book art also.

I made a book shelf out of a book for my GGrandaughter's first birthday. It looks like a ferriswheel and I put tiny little cardboard books at the bottom. Not sure what glues to use, it warped when I used decopage medium. Then I painted it white because the book was so dark. Next one I make I am going to use a spray on fabric stiffener used in millinary. I then glued little things that girls like: a puppy, a tuffet, a picture of her in a cute little frame, buttons and bowes, ribbons and lace, rabbits etc.

You never know what I will be up to next. As soon as my right arm fully recovers from the break, watch out.

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