Thursday, August 16, 2012


Here is a poem my Sunday School Sisters put together. I just kept coming up blank. You will enjoy this one too.

What Does It Take To See Through God's Eyes? August 9, 2012

(Janet) What does it take to see through God's eyes?
I must not hide behind a mask or disguise.
I must live in the Truth, not deceptive lies.
I must see the heart of others when I hear their cries.
I must love and forgive, not despise.
I must use time wisely, it too quickly flies.
I must serve others completely for I know not my last "goodbyes".
I must remember that to God I am no surprise!
I must live in the Light even under darkened skies.

(Nancy) What does it take to see through God's eyes,
I must not perch myself up on high, and simply let hurt people pass by.
God please give me the heart that tries.
And when my work on earth is nigh
I will lift up my arms to You on high
Your love surrounds me as I close my eyes
My weary soul to Jesus begins to fly.

(Sharon) My Eye Is Upon You
He waits for me to meditate and pray
He teaches me the way to go
But, sometimes I am guilty and look away.
He shows me the needs of people
He counsels me, He instructs me
But, I get busy and do I really see?
Or, do I use the excuse that I am human and have human eyes?
Lord, forgive me and help me to draw nearer.
Help me to be a faithful servant in your sight.

(Verna) As God looks down on man,
from the skies He sees all the evil, man can devise.
Yet, He hears, and forgives their heart cries.
Oh the great love that fills God's eyes!
Though I can't see as God can see,
He knows what lies in the depth of me
Yielded to His Power, He can foresee
He knows the truth of what I could be.

I am humbled.

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