Thursday, September 20, 2012


Contrary to popular belief
to keep on sinning brings no relief
from the guilt and shame I possess,
from the transgressions in my life I refuse to confess.

Reveal to me, O Lord I humbly now pray,
those iniquities I cling to that have led me astray.

Wind of God revive me with Your fresh air;
Breath of Life flow o'er me for I know You are there.
Why should I die? Can I avoid this certain death 
that would eternally separate me into the lowest depth?

Compromise, disobedience, even dishonesty had,
for a season, overshadowed me.
But, Holy God, I choose to repent of it all, 
and, now on Your name I sincerely call.

Wind of God revive me with Your fresh air;
Breath of Life flow o'er me
for I know You are there.

Empty me of all that to You has been an offense.
Display in me the works worthy of my repentance.
Refreshing Spirit, energize me with a new vibrant walk,
with a new way of thinking, a new way to talk.
I surrender to You Lord, for only in You can I find
this new heart, this new spirit, this brand new mind.

Wind of God revive me with Your fresh air; Breath of Life flow o'er me for I know You are there.

Janet Parradee

This is another poem from Janet. She writes at least one peom a day. We, her sisters, are trying to get her published. 

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